"Shri Gyanratna Academy" is a minority educational institution managed by Shri Gyanratna Educational and Welfare Society, Banapura.
The school is conceived with the objective of providing environment and unmatched Teaching Learning Resources that gives every student of the school, the complete opportunity to develop his/her hidden talents during the process of learning. We recognize that in education, the journey is as important as the destination. The school was established in 2016 for boys & girls and is undergoing metamorphosis to become one of the premier educational institutions catering the needs of Banapura. The institution is known for its excellence in discipline, academics and overall development of life skills.
The school is private, un-aided and does not receive any grant in aid from any government. The school is affiliated to CBSE with Affiliation no. 1030945 and School code 50909 . The U-Dise School Code is - 23370701102 Belonging to our family, the student shall be given opportunity for free progress through principles of openness.
Nursery, Jr. KG, Sr. KG and Grade 1.